July 31, 2024

中心節點 55 齊齊瓜分1,000萬ATT 獎金 Central Node 55: Share 10 Million ATT Rewards

中心節點 55 齊齊瓜分1,000萬ATT 獎金 Central Node 55: Share 10 Million ATT Rewards

中心節點 55 個

齊齊瓜分1,000萬ATT 獎金

活動官網: https://centralnode55.attglobal.io/


ATT 基金會隆重推出55個中心節點獎勵活動,總獎金池高達 1,000 萬 ATT 代幣!這是一場前所未有的加密貨幣競賽,邀請全球區塊鏈愛好者一同參與,爭奪豐厚獎勵。參與者不僅可以透過質押 ATT 獲得穩定收益,還能組建自己的強大團隊,攜手並進,共同競逐每月高達 833,333 ATT 的獎金。趕快加入我們,成為55個中心節點的一員,迎接挑戰,贏取豐厚回報!


報名期間 (2024年8月16日 - 2024年10月15日)

參與者必須透過官方管道申請,鎖定 10,000 ATT,並提交節點名稱和LOGO。

競選期間 (2024年10月16日 - 2024年12月15日)

參與者必須在 2024年12月15日之前帳戶中至少持有 100,000 ATT,並在前 55 名中獲勝。

獎勵期間 (2024年12月16日 - 2025年12月15日)

前 55 名參與者將競爭每月分配的 833,333 ATT。


每日將分配 27397 名ATT 給前 55 名參與者。
總獎金 1000萬 ATT。
前 55 名參與者可以創建和管理團隊,邀請他人加入並質押 ATT。



鎖定 10,000 ATT 並提交節點名稱和LOGO。


參與者必須在 2024年12月15日之前帳戶中至少持有 100,000 ATT,並在前 55 名中獲勝。


前 55 名參與者及其團隊將根據總質押量每日獲得獎勵。





未達 100,000 ATT 要求或排名低於前 55 名的節點,其鎖定的 ATT 將按月逐步解鎖。


競賽期間結束後,前 55 名節點質押的 ATT 將按季度逐步解鎖。

歡迎所有對區塊鍊和加密貨幣感興趣的朋友參與中心節點 55 活動,爭奪豐厚的 ATT 代幣獎勵!加入我們,一起迎接挑戰,成為區塊鏈世界的贏家!

The 55 Central Nodes: Share 10 Million ATT Rewards

Official Campaign website: https://centralnode55.attglobal.io/

Campaign Overview:The ATT Foundation proudly launches the 55 Central Nodes campaign, featuring a massive prize pool of 10 million ATT tokens! This is an unprecedented cryptocurrency competition that invites blockchain enthusiasts from around the world to join and compete for substantial rewards. Participants can not only earn stable returns by staking ATT but also build powerful teams to compete for monthly rewards of up to 833,333 ATT. Join us now, become one of the 55 Central Nodes, take on the challenge, and reap incredible rewards!

Campaign Timeline
- Registration Period (August 16, 2024 - October 15, 2024)
- Election Period (October 16, 2024 - December 15, 2024)
- Reward Period (December 16, 2024 - December 15, 2025)

During the Registration Period (August 16, 2024 - October 15, 2024)
Contenders must apply through the official channels, allocate 10,000 ATT, and submit their node name and logo.

During the Election period (October 16, 2024 - December 15, 2024)
Contenders must have at least 100,000 ATT in their nodes by December 15, 2024, and be among the first 55 contenders to win.

During the Reward Period (December 16, 2024 - December 15, 2025)
The 55 Nodes will compete for a monthly allocation of 833,333 ATT from the 10 Million ATT Reward Pool.
Monthly rewards are distributed based on the total stake volume of each node and the teams or individuals attached under it.
Node can continue to increase the amount of stakes and invite others to be attached under it to increase its share of rewards. 55 nodes that have successfully run for the election can allocate 30% of the rewards of the members invited to stake under their nodes, and the rewards of the previous day will be paid out by 24:00 of the next day.

Reward Mechanism
Daily Rewards:

Each day, 27,397 ATT will be distributed among the 55 Central Nodes.
The total prize pool is 10 million ATT Tokens.
Rewards are proportionally distributed based on the total staked amount of each node and the teams or individuals attached under it.

Team Collaboration and Invitation Mechanism:

The 55 Central Nodes can create and manage teams, inviting others to join and stake ATT.
Each team's total staked amount and ranking will be displayed, motivating team members to work together.
Nodes can share rewards proportionally with their team members based on their contributions.

Rules and Guidelines
Registration Requirements:

Allocate 10,000 ATT and submit a node name and logo.
Registration deadline: October 15, 2024.

Election Requirements:

Contenders must have at least 100,000 ATT in their accounts by December 15, 2024, and be among the first 55 contenders to win.

The 55 nodes and the teams or individuals attached under it  will receive daily rewards based on their total staked amount.

Nodes can continuously increase their stakes and invite others to join their teams to increase their reward shares.

Daily settlements will determine and announce rewards and rankings.

Team Creation and Management:

Nodes can create teams and invite others to join, displaying total staked amounts and contribution ratios.
Establish team reward distribution rules to ensure transparency and fairness.

Unlock Rules
Post-Election Period:

Contenders that do not meet the 100,000 ATT requirement or are ranked below the first 55 will have their locked ATT gradually unlocked on a monthly basis.
Post-Reward Period:

After the competition period ends, the ATT staked by the 55 nodes will be gradually unlocked on a quarterly basis.

We welcome all blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts to participate in the 55 Central Nodes and compete for substantial ATT token rewards! Join us, embrace the challenge, and become a winner in the world of blockchain!

For more information, please visit: